You might not have noticed, but when you click the scrollbar to move down
or up a page in an application or hit the Page Up/Page Down key on full-sized
keyboards, the scroll to the new page is animated. This might seem a little
slow, laggy, or not quite as responsive as you’d like—it’s something that reportedly happens on older Macs and first-generation Macs featuring a
Retina (high-definition) display.
The technology behind this is called smooth scrolling, and to turn it off, you
should open a Terminal window (open Finder, select the Applications list,
and then in the list of applications double-click Terminal within the Utilities
folder), and type the following:
defaults write -g NSScrollAnimationEnabled -bool NO
defaults write -g NSScrollAnimationEnabled -bool NO
Log out and back in again to see the changes.
You can reactivate Smooth Scrolling using the following command, again issued in Terminal and followed by logging out and back in again:
You can reactivate Smooth Scrolling using the following command, again issued in Terminal and followed by logging out and back in again:
defaults delete -g NSScrollAnimationEnabled
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